¿Qué terapias alternativas has probado para tratar el Intestino Irritable? Acupuntura, homeopatía, reflexología, hidroterapia de colon...
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Registrado: Mar Dic 29, 2009 7:09 pm
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Mensaje por Fisioterapeuta »

Sistema inmunitario y otros sistemas del cuerpo

El sistema inmunitario está conectado de forma estrecha con prácticamente cada sistema del cuerpo. Cuando no funciona a pleno, el resto del cuerpo sufre y usted se muestra vulnerable a alojar invasores externos. Al igual que cualquier otra parte de su cuerpo, el sistema inmunitario necesita nutrientes para funcionar de manera óptima. Si trata mal a su cuerpo con comida chatarra, poco o nada de ejercicio físico y un estilo de vida estresante, su sistema inmunitario tendrá que trabajar horas extras para protegerlo.
El rol de la inflamación
La inflamación es una respuesta inmediata del sistema inmunitario ante una infección o lesión, como por ejemplo cuando se hace un corte en el brazo. En la mayoría de los casos, como el sistema inmunitario resuelve el problema, las células inmunitarias luego se retiran del área y la inflamación y la hinchazón desaparecen. Pero ocasionalmente, las células inmunitarias no se retiran y la inflamación continúa, creando un problema crónico dentro del cuerpo.
La inflamación crónica recientemente ha recibido la atención de las comunidades médicas y científicas debido a su rol en conducir muchas de las enfermedades más temidas de la edad media y avanzada. La investigación científica sostiene que el hecho de controlar la respuesta inflamatoria y de respaldar al sistema inmunitario en primer lugar es el mejor abordaje para la salud de por vida.
¿Qué es el Factor de Transferencia?
El Factor de Transferencia es el descubrimiento de salud más emocionante realizado en décadas recientes. Los Factores de
Transferencia son pequeñas moléculas mensajeras inmunológicas que producen los organismos de nivel más alto.2 Su papel es
transferir señales de reconocimiento inmunológico entre células inmunológicas, ayudando así a educar a las células inmunológicas
ingenuas en cuanto a un peligro presente o potencial.
En el severo y hostil ambiente en que un bebé se encuentra repentinamente, los microorganismos invasores pueden apoderarse y
destruir rápidamente la nueva vida. La naturaleza ha proporcionado un procedimiento para educar rápida y repetidamente al
ingenuo infante sobre cuáles microbios son amigos y cuáles enemigos. Antes de dar a luz a un bebé, la futura madre prepara un
cóctel inmunizador natural y lo incluye con la primera leche (calostro) que da al nuevo bebé. El Factor de Transferencia es una
pieza clave de este proceso.
El doctor C. H. Kirkpatrick determinó que los Factores de Transferencia eran pequeños péptidos de aproximadamente ocho residuos
de aminoácidos.7 8 Se han representado ocho diferentes aminoácidos que pueden combinarse para crear billones de Factores
de Transferencia diferentes. Estas diminutas moléculas Factores de Transferencia contienen únicamente la esencia del mensaje
Los Factores de Transferencia no provocan una reacción alérgica y no son para una especie específica. Lo que esto significa es que
los Factores de Transferencia producidos por una vaca son tan eficaces en el ser humano como lo serían en otra vaca. Esta emocionante
habilidad podría iniciar una revolución en la medicina y ha originado la siguiente declaración: “El Factor de Transferencia
[tiene] un papel importante que jugar en la medicina moderna, la cual, desde el SIDA hasta la Ebola, enfrenta la emergencia de
nuevos virus o el resurgimiento de viejas patologías como la Tuberculosis.”
Usuario Veterano
Mensajes: 3939
Registrado: Lun Nov 14, 2005 9:41 pm


Mensaje por Nicolas »

Un fraude más: ... life.shtml ... D41F9702A6

Este último artículo tardó mucho en cargar por eso lo reproduzco íntegro. Siento que no encontré algo en español, lo principal es que se trata de un fraude.

Transfer factor: another MLM scam
posted in - Fraud watch, - Health tips, - Palmdoc |

Noraini wrote in with a request for the MMR to promote “Transfer factor”

Transfer factor is currently a product being sold in an MLM scheme. The 4Life TF product you refer to is a product which has no proven value in any illness. Claims of it “boosting the immune system” are unsubstantiated by any peer-reviewed journal publication. I cannot find any reference in a Pubmed Medline search.

Medicine Man is an interesting article which tells of how this product is being sold via the MLM mechanism

But 4Life Research is not a typical health supplement supplier, either. The various Transfer Factor products generally are not sold in retail outlets, but by self-employed distributors who operate within a classic multi-level marketing plan. Their goal is not only to sell the products, but to entice others to become distributors as well as that’s where the real money is. A distributor who spawns others, who in turn spawn still others, supposedly can make five or even six figures per year with shockingly little effort

What is “transfer factor”?

The term “transfer factor” has various unrelated meanings in science. Its first use related to immunity stems from research performed by Dr. H.S. Lawrence of New York University in the 1940s.

In Lawrence’s work, transfer factor referred to “an extract of human white blood cells that could transfer a type of immunity called cell-mediated immunity,” says Dr. Burton Zweiman, a professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania who worked in Lawrence’s lab 40 years ago. “Investigation of TF has been somewhat erratic over the years, with both supporters and deniers of its biologic importance.”

“I am not aware of any studies of transfer factor being obtained from cow colostrum and [transferring] immune reactivity to humans,” says Dr. Zweiman. “Nor could I find any reference to it in a Medline search of the medical literature.”

A spokeswoman for the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, a division of the National Institutes of Health, says, “NCCAM has not funded any research on this therapy, nor have I heard of it before now.”

But Dr. Fudenberg, reached at his office in Spartanburg, SC, says the report — which he described as the results of a review of other scientists’ work — stated nothing of the sort. “The conclusion,” Fudenberg says forcefully, “was that the commercial firms making this for humans were invariably run by people who were not scientists and who didn’t care whether their products were harmful or not.”

and more:

City Paper forwarded a transcript of 4Life’s promotional audio cassette “From Here to Immunity,” which was distributed at the seminar in Valley Forge, to various immunologists, microbiologists and biochemists. Those who responded were skeptical.

“Speaking from a standpoint of mainstream medicine, there is not a lot of familiarity [with] or support for this kind of practice,” says Dr. James T. Li, professor of medicine at the Mayo Medical School in Rochester, MN, and member of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. “This is a form of alternative treatment,” he says, which, he adds, almost by definition means there is little evidence to support its proponents’ claims — at least not the kind of evidence doctors and scientists generally like to see.

Li hesitates to call 4Life’s claims misleading or false, but says, “I would be skeptical, and I would advise others to be as well.”

Others are more blunt.

“Most of the clinical studies of transfer factors have been based on the specificity of each transfer factor,” says Dr. Charles Kirkpatrick, professor of medicine at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology — who says he once declined 4Life’s offer to act as a consultant.

For example, he explains, “a transfer factor that is specific for Herpes simplex will prevent recurrent infections with this virus. The approach being used by 4Life and other companies is to ignore the specificity issue and make non-specific claims for boosting the immune system.”

and there is the usual disclaimer

And in the fine print, 4Life Research’s own materials include startlingly blunt disclaimers such as this one: “Transfer Factor and Transfer Factor Plus do not claim, nor should it be interpreted, to cure, prevent or mitigate any serious disease.” And this: “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”

You claim that it is a “highly recommended as an alternative medicinal help to many chronic diseases especially by the Russian Ministry of Health.” I am sorry but claims like these need to be backed up by solid clinical studies and sound scientific evidence. I can’t find any.

**Testimonial evidence is NOT scientific evidence**

I am not reproducing the links to the websites you emailed as I do not condone unproven “health products”. FYI the FDA has taken action against websites falsely promoting Transfer factor for unfounded therapeutic claims

Is colostrum from cows good for you? Yes, if you are a baby cow…..
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Mensaje por Sate »

Pues también estoy de acuerdo contigo Nicolás... hoy estoy de acuerdo con todo el mundo xxDD ... :D
Usuario Veterano
Mensajes: 3939
Registrado: Lun Nov 14, 2005 9:41 pm


Mensaje por Nicolas »

Sate escribió:Pues también estoy de acuerdo contigo Nicolás... hoy estoy de acuerdo con todo el mundo xxDD ... :D
¿Pues qué has comido hoy, Sate? Imagen

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Sate escribió:Pues también estoy de acuerdo contigo Nicolás... =D> xxDD ... :D
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Mensajes: 19
Registrado: Mar Dic 29, 2009 7:09 pm
Ubicación: Zaragoza


Mensaje por Fisioterapeuta »

Hola chicos/as, espero que os de algo claridad éste artículo que publicó Richart Bennett.

Compare la biología de Transfer Factor™ y los anticuerpos ingeridos y verá con facilidad cómo Transfer Factor puede marcar la diferencia
Richard H. Bennett Ph.D.
Especialista en Microbiología de enfermedades infecciosas / Especialista en Inmunología
El sistema inmunitario cuenta con dos respuestas fundamentales. Una es producir inmunidad activa perdurable de base celular; la otra es producir una proteína especial de corta vida denominada anticuerpos. Ambas son importantes y deben trabajar en forma conjunta. Tener buena salud y una producción perdurable de anticuerpos simplemente no es suficiente.
La ingesta de Transfer Factor o de preparados de anticuerpos para el realce inmunitario tendrá diferentes resultados.
Característica Transfer Factor Anticuerpos ingeridos
Inmunidad Activa: Activa: Las células vivas toman la información de los factores de transferencia y desempeñan diversas funciones en forma continua a través de la duplicación celular Pasiva: Cuando los anticuerpos reaccionan sobre su objetivo están extenuados y no pueden auto reproducirse.
Tamaño molecular Proteína lineal muy pequeña, peso molecular aproximado: 4400. Proteína de estructura compleja muy grande, peso molecular aproximado: 150.000.
Período de actividad Longevo, especialmente en el caso de la función educativa de Transfer Factor La actividad del anticuerpo circulante se reduce en un 50% a los 23 días; 1 a 2 días en el tracto gastrointestinal.
Absorción Buena absorción en el tracto gastrointestinal. Menos del 15% es absorbido en el tracto gastrointestinal.
Digestión No son afectadas por las enzimas digestivas. En su mayoría, los anticuerpos son degradados por las peptidasas.
Potencial alergénico Demasiado pequeñas para ser alergénicas. Es común la alergia a los anticuerpos de la leche y los huevos y el anticuerpo absorbido producirá anticuerpos humanos a los anticuerpos extraños ingeridos.
Ubicación de las funciones inmunitarias Actividades generales en todo el sistema inmunitario. Los anticuerpos ingeridos son buenos para ligar las toxinas y los agentes patógenos intestinales en el interior del tracto gastrointestinal.
Especificidad inmunitaria Amplio conjunto de agentes con reactividad cruzada. Cantidad finita de anticuerpos para un número limitado de agentes.
Usuario Veterano
Mensajes: 3939
Registrado: Lun Nov 14, 2005 9:41 pm


Mensaje por Nicolas »

Pues no, no da claridad, prefiero la información dada en mis enlaces :roll: .
Usuario Nuevo
Mensajes: 19
Registrado: Mar Dic 29, 2009 7:09 pm
Ubicación: Zaragoza


Mensaje por Fisioterapeuta »

Discover how Transfer Factor™ can improve your immunity naturally
Transfer factor is an all natural substance that works by "teaching" your own immune system to identify infectious agents that attack your body every day.
Transfer factors are very small components naturally found in colostrum, a baby’s first milk from its mother. Through a special, patented (licensed to 4Life) extraction process, we are now able to collect powerful transfer factor molecules from the cow's first milk, dry them, and then encapsulate them for human consumption. This makes Transfer Factor™ far more effective than colostrum. This patented process is very important and sets 4Life™ Transfer Factor™ apart from any other product. The Transfer Factor™ collected from this process is a purified extract containing transfer factor molecules.
Information and articles
•From DVM Magazine Transfer factor: Long-awaited next step in immunotherapy
.Education and Instinct - An Explanation of T-Factors Plus
•An interview with an M.D.: Treating Chronically Ill Patients with Transfer Factor
•BSE: Relieving Concerns about the "Mad Cow Disease"
•Transfer Factor's Quality Control Protocol: Herd Management without using hormones, antibiotics, pesticides or herbicides
•AUTISM by Kenneth A. Bock, MD
•Book that recommends Transfer Factor
•Quiet Victories: A Journey Towards Health and Wellness A Quarterly Newsletter by David M. Markowitz, M.D.
•Going the Distance: How 4Life improved its Natural Killer (NK) cell activity response
•Now Approved By the Health Ministry of Russia for use in Hospitals and Clinics! 4Life® Transfer Factor™ is the First Ever Dietary Supplement to be Approved for Use by Doctors and Hospitals in Russia
•Chart of Health Ministry of Russia: Suggested dosages of Transfer Factor for immune rehabilitation after infectious-inflammatory and somatic diseases
Studies and research
•Transfer Factor Study with 20 Cancer Patients
•Natural killer cells are made, not born. First evidence of immune cell's activation potential in infection, tumor control
•HIV-AIDS research
•Transfer Factor™ clinical studies in children by pediatrician David Markowitz, M.D.
•A preliminary report on the use of transfer factor for treating stage D3 hormone-unresponsive metastatic prostate cancer.
•Transfer factor as an adjuvant to non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) therapy.
•Use of transfer factor for the treatment of recurrent non-bacterial female cystitis (NBRC): a preliminary report.
•Independent Study on Transfer Factor
•Independent Study on Fibromyalia using Transfer Factor and Product Info.
•Independent Study to determine effects on malignancies from The Institute of Longevity Medicine
4Life Research has not evaluated these statements nor do they make any claims regarding these products. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. This information is for education and research purposes only.
Information and articles
Education and Instinct - An Explanation of T-Factors Plus
By William J. Hennen, Ph.D.
The abilities we have to protect ourselves are both instinctive and learned. Our instinctive responses are untrained and are our first defensive responses to an outside threat. The strength of our instinctive response oftentimes determines its effectiveness in getting us out of danger. The better our hearing, vision, and agility, the better we are able to recognize and dodge threats that may suddenly appear in our environment. Just like our instinctive responses to physical threats, our innate immune responses are part of our instinctive response to microbial threats.
The immune system has various response capabilities. Certain of these responses are instinctive and are part of what is called the innate response. These instinctive responses exist naturally without prior training. The extent of the response, however, varies according to the conditioning of the system. A better-conditioned system produces a stronger response to a given stimulus. If this innate, instinctive, and first-line immune defense is adequate no additional response is necessary.
Within the immune system certain fungal factors and other glyconutrients condition the system and increase its innate responsiveness. Cordyvant™ is a balanced, proprietary blend of glyconutrients designed to enhance the innate immune response and strengthen of our first-line defensive response.
If our innate ability to physically defend ourselves is inadequate, then we must learn additional skills such as boxing, Judo or Karate. Similarly, our innate immune ability may be inadequate against the microbial mob. In these cases our immune system has the ability to learn new skills. A strong immune system has the ability to invent new techniques to deal with each new challenge. This is called the adaptive or learned response of the immune system.
If one looks at the education of immune cells, it is as if they go through a grammar school, prep school, college and graduate level training. The thymus is grammar school and pre-school for the T-cells. T-cells include T-helper cells, T-suppressor cells and Cytotoxic T-cells. T-helper cells assist the rest of the immune system cells in performing their important functions. T-suppressor cells help control the immune response and keep the immune system from overreacting. Cytotoxic T-cells are a form of white blood cells sometimes called Cytotoxic T-Lymphocytes (CTL). CTLs are like a police force that generally deals with threats to the community.
The primary and secondary immune training functions of the thymus gland are weak in infants and increase in strength up until the time of puberty. After puberty the thymus gland begins to shrink and continues to diminish in size and effectiveness throughout the rest of our lives. The deterioration of the thymus within the immune system is like the weakening of the public school system. Without a strong primary and secondary school system, many children have neither the math nor the language skills to adequately understand the instructions given to them. Many things can reduce the immune system’s training and learning capability. These include immaturity, aging and stress from a variety of sources such as poor nutrition, emotional strain, infectious assault or injury.
After leaving the thymus school the T-cells develop additional skills through on-the-job training as they work against various infectious agents. If the job is too complex, too unfamiliar, or too critical, the T-cells may not be able to develop skills fast enough by themselves. When this happens, additional outside training and instructions are needed. This information comes from outside experts who donate their wisdom and experience to the T-cells. Transfer Factor XF™ provides university level training to the T-cells. Transfer Factor XF™ teaches courses in immune system induction for the T-helper cells. Transfer Factor XF™ also instructs T-suppressor cells in control and containment of the immune system energies so that good cells are not damaged. Cytotoxic T-cells are provided sets of microbial "Wanted" posters and weapons training so as to better recognize and neutralize threats to the domestic tranquility.
Each function of the immune system is important in our overall health. A full supplement ‘training program’ strengthens all aspects of the immune system and provides the best protection for the cellular citizens of our body.
It is increasingly clear that as the world becomes a smaller place with viruses and other pathogens traveling with great ease, we face now a unique challenge. Simply put, we are now, and will be, more exposed to challenges to our health. However, nature has already provided the immune system as the defense to the microbes in our environment. To the degree we are able to educate the immune system to recognize the invader, will determine our ability to cope with the challenges. I urge all people to pay attention to those things that affect your immune system.
Treating Chronically Ill Patients with Transfer Factor
An Interview with Dr. Carol Ann Ryser, M.D. - (excerpt)
Since 1998, Dr. Carol Ann Ryser has been using Transfer Factor to treat her chronically ill patients, and has experienced considerable success in diminishing symptoms and achieving overall health improvements among those patients. In this exclusive interview, Dr. Ryser discusses her experience with Transfer Factor as an effective treatment for chronic illness.
Dr. Ryser: "The diagnosis of a patient is of utmost importance. I perform a series of genetic testing with PCR (Polymer Chain Reaction) that tells me the specific bacteria or virus(es) a patient has. Transfer Factor helps with viral, bacterial, and fungal infections as well as parasites, and supports the immune system while treating the problems a patient has. Regarding what formulas of Transfer Factor I use for different patients, I use the plain Transfer Factor as a general prevention treatment, especially for infections and allergies and for patients with Epstein-Barr, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome"
Q: How much Transfer Factor do you typically recommend, and for what kind of patient?
Dr. Ryser: "For chronically ill patients, including those with chronic sinusitis, and multiple allergies, I recommend six capsules a day, and depending on the severity of their symptoms, I might recommend up to twelve capsules a day. For children ages 7-12 or 13, depending on weight, I will recommend two capsules a day, to be taken at bedtime.
When a patient is beginning to get sick and is coming down with a fever, I will have them take two capsules every 2-3 hours, for 24 hours, and that usually knocks the virus "off its socks," so to speak. This dosage of Transfer Factor can nip a fever in the bud, by supporting the immune system’s natural killer cells.
I also treat fibromyalgia patients with Transfer Factor. I believe that fibromyalgia is most commonly caused by infections, including bacteria, yeast, and parasites. For chronically ill patients dealing with multiple infections, including CNS (Central Nervous System) infections and gastrointestinal infections, I recommend several different Transfer Factor formulas, to be taken together."
Q.: How long does it usually take for a patient to experience positive results once they start taking Transfer Factor?
Dr. Ryser: "My patients usually start to feel better within 3-6 months of beginning treatment with Transfer Factor. Dramatic results usually manifest in about one year, but we really begin to see positive changes in 5-6 months. It typically takes about a year of Transfer Factor treatment to really turn a patient around. I am specifically referring to chronically ill patients who have an average of 2-7 chronic infections that require treatment. The body’s cells regenerate every six months, and you need to give the body a chance to generate healthy cells before dramatic improvements in a patient’s overall health can emerge."
Q.: What, if any, are the side effects or possible negative reactions that can occur with Transfer Factor therapy?
Dr. Ryser: "The initial reactions to Transfer Factor a patient will experience are similar to a vaccination – but without, of course, exposure to the pathogen. The initial reaction typically includes flu-like symptoms, proportionate to the severity of a patient’s illness. These flu-like symptoms go away, but they prove that the immune system has been activated, and that it is working to suppress the body’s infections.
Regarding the safety of Transfer Factor, I have never had a problem with negative side effects or adverse reactions. However, I am very cautious. I perform careful evaluations of a patient’s immune system. I check for viral leukemia, and so forth. I am very careful with cancer and autoimmune patients, with whom you must be cautious with regard to stimulating immune cells – this is particularly the case with Hodgkin's Disease and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma patients."
Q.: What have you found to be the most positive benefits of Transfer Factor for your Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients – what are the best results you have seen?
Dr. Ryser: "The patient stops getting sick, and they don’t have any more infections. Their cognitive thinking clears up – no more brain fog. Their energy comes back – they can start doing more, and they can start walking and exercising again. They don’t suffer relapses. However, when a patient is doing well and they make the personal decision to stop taking Transfer Factor, I have seen relapses. I strongly recommend that a patient takes Transfer Factor for life – that is, it is a lifetime commitment for my chronically ill patients."
Dr. Carol Ann Ryser, M.D., is a Board Certified Pediatrician, Board Certified Clinical Analyst, member of F.A.A.P., the American Medical Association, OHM (Orthomolecular Health Medicine), and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. The primary focus of Dr. Ryser’s medical practice is on the prevention of illness and disease. Since 1996, Dr. Ryser has been the Medical Director of Health Centers of America.
Previously, she was Medical Director of the International Learning Centers, Director of Mid-American Treatment and Training, a staff member of the Gardner Medical Center, Consulting Staff Member of the Research Medical Center, Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Kansas Medical Center, Medical Director of the Children’s Rehabilitation Unit, University of Kansas Medical Center, Consultant to the Special Education Department for Orthopedic Handicapped Children, and a Consultant to the United States Air Force in Crete.
Dr. Ryser has also published and presented a number of papers in her area of expertise, appearing in such publications as The American Journal for Diseases of Children, the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychology and Pediatrics. Dr. Ryser has been recognized for her contributions in the fields of medicine, science, and mental health, as both a clinician and educator, by both professional and lay organizations.
Book that recommends Transfer Factor
The Germ Survival Guide recommends Transfer Factor™ and Transfer Factor Plus™. This new book written by Kenneth A. Bock, M.D., Steven J. Bock, M.D. is designed to give families and individuals preventative strategies to use to protect against germs and environmental threats. Transfer Factor™ and Transfer Factor Plus™ are extolled in the book as an effective way to optimize immune system function so that personal immunity is at its best in the face of a variety of health threats.
By Kenneth A. Bock, MD
"Numerous anecdotal reports have been accumulating on the use of transfer factor in children with autistic spectrum disorders and improvement in their clinical behaviors. This would certainly make sense in terms of the Th1 type cytokine profile that these transfer factors would encourage. Therefore we are presently studying a number of children with autistic spectrum disorders that appear to exhibit regressive behavior after vaccinations, especially the MMR vaccination.
We have found that the serum cytokine profiles we began looking at were not helpful. Likewise rubella and rubeola titers did not prove that helpful as well. We also looked at retinol levels and these have been decreased in a significant number of these children. We have found the most useful objective measurement to be the Gilliam Autism Rating Scale (GARS), which we administer at the beginning of the study and then at six weeks into the study and then three months into the study, after they have been taking polyvalent Transfer Factor at a dose of three 200 mg capsules TID.
Since Transfer Factor has been shown to be an effective immune modulator, with potential utility in both chronic viral infections as well as certain autoimmune disorders that are predominantly Th2 phenotypes, we felt that improving the immunological situation with the use of Transfer Factor could subsequently improve the clinical situation as well. Our preliminary small study has shown improvement in a number of these children as evidenced by the GARS evaluations. In addition to any behavioral improvements, the most noted improvement has been the marked decrease in incidence of infectious illnesses in these children."
In a landmark study, Dr. H. Hugh Fudenberg, M.D. found that of 22 Autistic children, 21 improved significantly and 10 were considered to be recovered and mainstreamed in their schools following Transfer Factor treatment. After the treatment was discontinued, some showed regression, but none returned to their prior baseline levels. Dr. Fudenberg used the lymphocyte based Transfer Factor in his treatment, and while these results have been replicated using that treatment protocol, they have not been replicated using the colostrum based treatment. Recent Publications Authored by Dr. H. Hugh Fudenberg
BSE - Mad Cow Disease Relieving Concerns about the "Mad Cow Disease"
By Richard H. Bennett, Ph.D. Expert in Infectious Disease Microbiology
All 4Life Transfer Factor products are obtained from licensed Grade A dairies that are registered with and monitored by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Most importantly, science has demonstrated that mad cow disease is not transferred through milk or milk products. Dr. William Hennen, Chief Scientific Officer of 4Life Research states, “We take great care to provide products that are safe and beneficial to our friends, customers and families. BSE or mad cow disease has been known for more than ten years and we have evaluated all potential risk factors thoroughly. There is no scientific evidence that milk or colostrum pose any risk for BSE transmission.”
Over the last year, medical professionals and customers alike have raised questions about the safety of Transfer Factor™ products. Many of the questions are about TSE's. This concern arises from the events that have taken place in England over the last 14 years.
In 1986 over 160,000 cases of bovine neurological disease were confirmed in sick cattle. The disease is called Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy or BSE. The common linkage of this disease outbreak was the practice of feeding rendered animal waste products back to beef cattle. The infective agent is likely a Prion or a viral-like particle. The agents that cause TSE's have not been fully identified. Just the same the BSE agents withstand heat processing of normal cooking and pasteurization. Once ingested they have the ability to infect cells, especially neurological tissues, and reproduce themselves.
The BSE agent is highly species specific as it infects the bovine almost exclusively. The concern about BSE and human health arose from a statistical linkage that suggested that a variant of the BSE agent was able to cause the human equivalent of BSE called Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease or CJD. CJD has a genetic predisposition component and occurs worldwide at a rate of 1 per million persons. CJD has been linked to the use of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) use and transplantation of neurological tissue.
n England a variant form of CJD was identified in 14 patients as of 1996. In contrast to typical CJD, this variant affected young patients. Rigorous scientific review concluded that no definite link between BSE and the CDJ variant could be established. Circumstantial evidence suggested that consumption of meat containing the BSE agent was the likely cause. Thousands of English and European consumers were likely exposed, yet only 14 human cases have been confirmed. Milk and dairy products did not appear to be a linkage to the disease and are considered safe by UK authorities.
There are TSE's in other animals in the US, including cats, mink, deer, elk, sheep and goats. There is no evidence of horizontal transmission to humans from these species.
In August of 1997 the FDA instituted regulations that prohibit the refeeding of most animal proteins to cattle and other ruminants. Feeding animal protein to milk cows has never been recommended and has not been the practice of the dairy producer.
In summary, we should have great confidence that all colostrum and bovine sources of thymus protein are not contaminated with the BSE agent. The programs and regulations currently in place will work effectively to ensure product safety for 4Life™ products derived from animal sources.
WHO Fact Sheet No. 133, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
USDA, APHIS, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
Quality Control Protocol: 4Life's™ Herd Management without using hormones, antibiotics, pesticides or herbicides
"It is of utmost importance to the management of 4Life™; that we follow the most stringent quality control protocol in the care of the herds used to gather transfer factor and in the manufacturing process. The 4Life™; manufacturing facility is pharmaceutical grade. David Lisonbee has been involved to some degree or another in quality manufacturing for more than two decades. In order to accomplish this protocol, we have contracted one of the foremost authorities in this area, Richard Bennett, Ph.D.
Dr. Bennett has been an advisor to the FDA and to the USDA. He is the University of California Environmental Science Advisor in the North San Francisco Bay Region of California. He received his doctorate in Comparative Pathology at the world renowned UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. He has been a consultant to the National Research Council, the UC Davis Agricultural Issues Center, and to numerous national and local corporations.
Our protocol for the herds is that the farmers do not give their cows any substances (including growth hormones), which have been known to be harmful to human beings. The herds are not placed near fields where pesticides or herbicides are used. Although it would be virtually impossible for any substance to make it through our stringent extraction and manufacturing process, this policy has been developed to address any concerns that our customers may have. There can be no antibiotics in the colostrum. If a cow is sick and has to have antibiotics, the cow is removed from the line until no antibiotics are found in its system. Any cow that shows any signs of illness is thoroughly checked out to eliminate any chance of mad cow disease or other serious conditions. Every batch is tested for contamination.
While no antibiotics can be present in the cow’s colostrum, it is advantageous to the consumer of transfer factors that a cow, at some time in its life, has consumed antibiotics. Some of the greatest threats to the human race are the antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, which are now killing thousands of Americans. If the cow has been administered antibiotics and has come into contact with such pathogens, then the transfer factor could possibly communicate the memory of these mutated germs to our transfer factor. Remember, the purpose of transfer factor is to communicate immunity against pathogens the cow has been in contact with. This could be of major value to the consumer. The herds are scattered throughout the country so that we can gather transfer factor that has been exposed to a great variety of germs. Our quality control management keeps very close supervision over the herds.
Another concern in the general public is mad cow disease. 4Life™; has a very specific strategy to avoid mad cow disease. The key to avoiding mad cow disease or any other disease is to monitor the cows very carefully, avoid practices that expose the cows to the disease, and to test every batch of product as it is being processed. Our farmers are only from the United States. The cows are not, and never have been, fed any meat-containing products. One of our tests is performed on live mice. It would be very difficult for anything like mad cow disease to slip through our safety net. The supplement industry has much more stringent controls in place than does the food industry. Regularly E. coli and salmonella slip into our nation’s food supply. The real danger is with the food industry, not the nutrition industry, especially with a top-of-the-line manufacturer such as 4Life Research™.
Although 4Life™ is committed to being vigilant, there is evidence that BSE is not transmitted through milk type products. At a World Health Organization (WHO) Consultation organized in Geneva on April 2-3, 1996, a group of international experts reviewed the public health issues related to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and the emergence of a new variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (V-CJD). These scientists made the following statement: "Tests on milk from BSE-infected animals have not shown any BSE infectivity, and there is evidence from other animal and human spongiform encephalopathy's to suggest that milk will not transmit these diseases. Milk and milk products, even in countries with high incidence of BSE, are therefore considered safe."
Quiet Victories: A Journey Towards Health and Wellness
A Quarterly Newsletter by David M. Markowitz, M.D.
We have just finished a review of our first 12 months' Pediatric experience with Transfer Factor (and Transfer Factor Plus) from 4Life Research and the review confirms our initial feelings. 88 children who used TF daily at the recommended doses for six or more months were compared to same aged and same sexed children who did not use TF, and their illness and antibiotic use were compared. We found in this retrospective study a 74% reduction in reported illness and an 84% reduction in antibiotic use. Using any measure, these are very significant results.
No untoward reactions were reported. We have started to review the costs of the illness/antibiotic saved by the use of TF. Initial results indicate over $25,000 saved in the user group in medical care, office visits, and drug costs. Again, these results of major consequence and show that the use of TF not only improves the quality of life for the child and his/her family, it makes sense economically. Soon we will be approaching Insurance Carriers to support the use of TF in our patients. How could TF change your child's life?
An experience with HIV: Kenny's Story
An early success with Immune Boosting naturally in a young man with HIV. KG is a 20 year old with Hemophilia who contracted HIV many years ago from "dirty" clotting factors used to treat his Hemophilia. KG has been on many regimens for his HIV, including most recently (within the past year), an experimental regimen with no positive response. If anything, he suffered from many of the side effects of retroviral therapy. Five months ago, KG started a high dose regimen of TF (3 caps 3 times daily) and TF+ (2 caps 3 times daily), concurrent with his experimental therapy. He has remained infectious disease free throughout his TF boosting. He also came to us with very exciting news three weeks ago: he has a ZERO viral count and an increasing, now close to normal CD4 count of 475. Is Kenny out of the woods completely? No, but he is now well on his way to possibly being disease free. His next counts are scheduled for six weeks from now and we will keep all posted. Kenny is a peer counselor and educator for HIV/AIDS and he is now spreading the word about TF and TF+ to members of the AIDS community. He is also a 4LR distributor and hopes to build a huge sales organization of persons challenged with HIV and Hepatitis C. As such, he said that he would not have to deal with the prejudices against those infected with HIV: seems that 4LR may just give Kenny a NEW LIFE, on many different levels. The power of TF/TF+ and 4LR continues.
TF and TF+ Support in Malignancy in Childhood
ID is an eleven year old with a complex leukemia history. He was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at age 2 with a relapse several years after chemotherapy. Next came a bone marrow transplant and THREE more relapses after the transplant. To add insult to injury, the last relapse was diagnosed as Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia, a VERY difficult cancer to treat. On to a very toxic course of chemotherapy and a slow definitive road to remission. ID was started on TF initially at month 5 of chemotherapy to help support his immune function and hopefully, reduce the chances of infectious complications. TF+ was added 2 months later. His oncologist (my medical partner) has been very pleased and impressed with the results. First, ID "breezed through his therapy" tolerating very low blood counts, with no febrile (or infectious) episodes, and always in very good spirits. When last seen in early 9/99, ID was "thriving" and continues in full remission, with no infectious disease, enjoying a full life as a vigorous 11 year school kid. The "way Life should be". How has TF and TF+ impacted this young man? It most likely spared him the life-threatening complications of infectious disease. It apparently improved his tolerance of a very toxic course of chemotherapy. And it may be helping him in his daily immune fight against relapse and infectious stresses. Unquestionably, the fact that ID is alive is a miracle, one dictated by a "Higher Authority": the quality of his life may just be because of immune boosting with 4LR products... And his spirit and his will to live.
Hepatitis C and TF/TF+
Kim is a 37 year old, a father of 4 children. He has advanced Hepatitis C and is facing a long and expensive therapy with Interferon, a therapy fraught with many side effects. Kim decided to give the immune boosting capabilities of TF and TF+ a chance to aid his own body's abilities to fight off viral infection, before he started this Interferon. Although his results are still preliminary and very early, thus far Kim has had very encouraging results. After 4-5 months of fairly consistent use of TF and TF+, Kim's liver function tests have improved dramatically and at times are within normal limits. He FEELS so much better and the complicating factors of gastro-esophageal reflux (acid reflux) and constipation are now totally resolved. He has voluntarily stopped all of his reflux and bowel medications. His energy levels have increased and remain high, as long as he takes his immune boosters regularly. He too looks forward to sharing this experience with others with Hep C and the physicians who treat these challenged people. We wish Kim well in his goals of healing himself and others with 4LR.
Pat Tremaine and Les Tremaine, DVM - "After hearing so many parents talk about their children and their problems after vaccinations, especially allergies and asthma, I finally made the connection between vaccines and my daughter's medical problems at age one. Marti was never sick her first year. At one year, we were headed to Alaska where Les was to serve in the Air Force as the base veterinarian. We went to the health department to load up on vaccines that we normally wouldn't have had, especially all at once. Marti had a fever for 6 weeks and was never the same. I had to rock her to sleep every night because she couldn't sleep. She had ear infections constantly and had strep throat, tonsillitis, and scarlet fever at the same time. She was so sick and the doctors put her on Dimetapp daily. I always wondered why the children who moved to Alaska were always sick and the ones born there weren't. When we got back to NC, she had her tonsils taken out, had tubes put in her ears twice, lost her hearing for 3 years, and had years of sickness and allergies. She got behind in school because we didn't realize she couldn't hear well. She went to Duke for testing and had shots. She was allergic to so many things. I sent her a bottle of Transfer Factor in 1999 when she had the flu. As soon as she took one capsule, her allergies stopped. She is still taking Transfer Factor and it has changed her life. When it is pollen season, or she is near allergens, she takes 6-12, depending on what it is, to prevent a reaction. She is now 36 years old and has a new little baby on Transfer Factor too."
"My 4½ year old son has been sick ever since he was born. We went to the doctor at least once a month. In December of '99, he had croup and pneumonia in the same week. We started giving him TF. He was well within a week. He has only been to the doctor twice since then. It is working great for him. I'm so glad 4Life came out with TF Kids™ because now it will be so much easier to give TF to him everyday."
--Kristy Griewahn
David Markowitz, M.D."I believe Transfer Factor™ is, without a doubt, the greatest discovery of the century. Modulating the immune system will be the primary way to stay well in the future. This nutrient can affect the immune system like nothing else can. Everyone needs to consume this product."
"I recommended 4Life Transfer Factor to the mother of an autistic 5-year-old. She says that there is a 300% improvement over the last 2-1/2 months."
In approximately 250 patient months of kids on Transfer Factor, only one has returned for antibiotics, and that was after 2-1/2 months. I had been seeing him in my office every 2 weeks prior to using 4Life Transfer Factor.
A child in my care, with a type of muscular dystrophy had a serious bout with Bronchitis, and 72 hours on Transfer Factor cleared her breathing pathway completely.
My Transfer Factor kids shows an 85-90% reduction of illness as sick season in Maine has started.
I have been in the pediatric practice for 20 years and I find that children in my care are thriving with Transfer Factor. I have seen success with middle ear infections, upper respiratory infections, and several other repeated infections.
I used Transfer Factor on a newborn with a thick upper airway, green nasal discharge, vomiting, and difficulty breathing, and he was clear within 3 days.
A newborn with a serious cold took Transfer Factor through pumped breast milk and recovered in 3 days.
As a practicing Pediatrician I actively use Transfer Factor in my practice and look forward to drastic decreases in the number of colds and their complications, and middle ear infections that are so common.
Of the approximately 70 kids that are under my care and taking Transfer Factor, only one has been back that required antibiotics.
I tell my patients' parents to boost the immune system at first sign of illness.
"A 17-month-old toddler come to the pediatric office with a complaint of three days of fever, poor sleeping and poor feeding, associated with a week's congestion and cough. He is diagnosed as having his fifth ear infection in 5 months and is sent home on this fifth 5-10 day course of antibiotics and anti-cough and cold medication. This time, he doesn't tolerate his meds well, with multiple diarrhea stools, a yeast dermatitis, and a hive-like rash, necessitating a change in antibiotics, bowel rest, and an antihistamine for his hives. Three days later, and five days out of Daycare, with parents missing four days of work, our little patient is finally better. Consumption of transfer factors is started by his parents (out of pure frustration and worry) at low daily dosing (1 cap/day). Two weeks later, he arrives at our office with a cold, but nothing more. Three months later, we see him for a well child visit, with amazed and delighted parents. A year later, another well child visit and no reported illnesses. This is an everyday occurrence in our Pediatric office… This is the real power of the immune boosting with transfer factors, and we have now seen this for two full consecutive "sick seasons" in this General Pediatric office."
"A newborn with a serious cold took 4Life; Transfer Factor; through pumped breast milk and recovered in 3 days."
''As a practicing pediatrician, I actively use 4Life; Transfer Factor; in my practice and look forward to drastic decreases in the number of colds and their complications and middle ear infections that are so common. Of the approximately 70 kids under my care and taking 4Life; Transfer Factor;, only one has been back that required antibiotics."
"...I find that children in my care are thriving with 4Life; Transfer Factor;. I have seen success with middle ear infections, upper respiratory infections and several other repeated infections."
"I recommended 4Life Transfer Factor; to the mother of an autistic 5-year-old. She says there is a 300% improvement over the last 2.5 months."
"A child in my care with a type of muscular dystrophy had a serious bout with Bronchitis, 72 hours on Transfer Factor; cleared her breathing pathway completely."
Dr. Markowitz is a pediatrician in Kennebunk, ME with a patient base of 4,500 children and has served as the Senior Pediatrician in a Private Pediatric Practice for 19 years. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Rochester in New York. He received his medical degree, general Pediatric training, and Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Fellowship from the University of Connecticut School of Medicine in Farmington, Connecticut. Dr. Markowitz is also the Executive Director of the Kids4Life Foundation. Donations to the foundation can be made to the address above.
Studies and research
Transfer Factor™ clinical studies in children
By Pediatrician David Markowitz, M.D.
David Markowitz, M.D., a general pediatrician for more than 20 years in Kennebunk, Maine with a patient base of 4,500 children, is conducting an ongoing retrospective study of patients who are consuming Transfer Factor."I have now completed a retrospective study comparing children in our practice who did not use Transfer Factor during the same period. 87 children, age 8 months through 9 years, used Transfer Factor™. We found 74% less reported illness and 84% less reported use of antibiotics. "
Thousands of testimonies reinforce these results! Transfer Factor enhances the immune system. The immune system is the key.
• "A 17-month-old toddler come to the pediatric office with a complaint of three days of fever, poor sleeping and poor feeding, associated with a week's congestion and cough. He is diagnosed as having his fifth ear infection in 5 months and is sent home on this fifth 5-10 day course of antibiotics and anti-cough and cold medication. This time, he doesn't tolerate his meds well, with multiple diarrhea stools, a yeast dermatitis, and a hive-like rash, necessitating a change in antibiotics, bowel rest, and an antihistamine for his hives. Three days later, and five days out of Daycare, with parents missing four days of work, our little patient is finally better. Consumption of transfer factors is started by his parents (out of pure frustration and worry) at low daily dosing (1 cap/day). Two weeks later, he arrives at our office with a cold, but nothing more. Three months later, we see him for a well child visit, with amazed and delighted parents. A year later, another well child visit and no reported illnesses. This is an everyday occurrence in our Pediatric office… This is the real power of the immune boosting with transfer factors, and we have now seen this for two full consecutive "sick seasons" in this General Pediatric office."
• "A newborn with a serious cold took 4Life Transfer Factor through pumped breast milk and recovered in 3 days."
• ''As a practicing pediatrician, I actively use 4Life Transfer Factor in my practice and look forward to drastic decreases in the number of colds and their complications and middle ear infections that are so common. Of the approximately 70 kids under my care and taking 4Life Transfer Factor, only one has been back that required antibiotics."
• "...I find that children in my care are thriving with 4Life Transfer Factor I have seen success with middle ear infections, upper respiratory infections and several other repeated infections."
• "I recommended 4Life Transfer Factor to the mother of an autistic 5-year-old. She says there is a 300% improvement over the last 2.5 months."
• "A child in my care with a type of muscular dystrophy had a serious bout with Bronchitis, 72 hours on Transfer Factor cleared her breathing pathway completely."
Dr. Markowitz is a pediatrician in Kennebunk, ME with a patient base of 4,500 children and has served as the Senior Pediatrician in a Private Pediatric Practice for 19 years. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Rochester in New York. He received his medical degree, general Pediatric training, and Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Fellowship from the University of Connecticut School of Medicine in Farmington, Connecticut.
HIV-AIDS research....
"Using Transfer Factor, an 80 percent inhibition of HIV was demonstrated in vitro. Interestingly, these researchers separated the Transfer Factor into three fractions and found that all of the anti-HIV activity was located in one fraction."
Source: Inhibition of in vitro HIV infection by dialyzable leukocyte extracts. Fernandez-Ortega C, Dubed M, Ruibal O, Villarrubia OK, Menendez de San Pedro JC, Navea L, Ojeda M, Arana MJ. Biotherapy 1996, 9(1-3), 33-40. "In a combination protocol, HIV-1 specific Transfer Factor with Zidovudine (ZDV) administration orally for 15 days resulted in an increase in white blood cells, CD8 lymphocytes and IL-2 levels, which worked to fight the virus. The combination ZDV and Transfer Factor appeared to be both safe and well tolerated."
Source: Preliminerary results in HIV-1-infected patients treated with Transfer Factor (TF) and zidovudine (ZDV). Raise E, Guerra L, Viza D, Pizza G, De Vinci C, Schiattone ML, Rocaccio L, Cicognani M, Gritti F. Biotherapy 1996, 9(1-3), 49-54. "The benefits of a combination therapy of antiviral treatments and daily Transfer Factor administration were further demonstrated by a restoration of delayed type hypersensitivity within 60 days."
Source: Preliminary observations using HIV-specific Transfer Factor in Airds. Pizza G, Chiodo F, Colangeli M, Raiwe E, Fudenberg HH, De Vinci C, Viza D. Biotherapy 1996, 9(1-3), 163-170.
Transfer Factor Study with 20 Cancer Patients
Darryl See, M.D. conducted the following cancer studies.
Twenty patients, 12 men and 8 women, were selected for this in vivo study. The average age was 49.3. The twenty individuals were each level 3 or level 4 cancer patients. Each patient was basically sent home by his or her oncologist to die. The average life expectancy was 3.7 months. The protocol was to place each patient on 9 capsules per day of Transfer Factor Plus™. The patients were given a number of other general nutrients*. After eight months, 16 of these individuals were still living and were either in remission, improving or stabilized.
The baseline for natural killer cell function was 6.4. Within 4 weeks the average NK Cell function was increased to 25.7 and in 6 months it increased to 27.6. This represented a 400% increase in NK Cell function. This is an ongoing study. This study has been submitted to a peer reviewed publication.
David Markowitz, M.D "I have now completed a retrospective study comparing children in our practice who did not use Transfer Factor; during the same period. 87 children, age 8 months through 9 years, used Transfer Factor;. We found 74% less reported illness and 84% less reported use of antibiotics." Dr. Markowitz, M.D is a general pediatrician for more than 20 years in Kennebunk, Maine with a patient base of 4,500 children, is conducting an ongoing retrospective study of patients who are consuming Transfer Factor.
More Cancer studies and research...
Ann Lane was diagnosed with Hodgkin's cancer. The tumor mass filled her rib cage. Her immune system dropped into the 2,000 range. She began her chemotherapy regimen along with a nutritional protocol (containing Transfer Factor™) along with the traditional therapies administered by her physician. Ann's blood work revealed that 30 days after beginning her nutritional protocol (including Transfer Factor™), her immune system went up to and maintained a level ranging between 4,200 and 7,200.
Duane Townsend, MD - "I’m a cancer physician. I primarily treat female cancer, and certainly encourage my patients who are undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy to take transfer factors. It helps to modulate the immune system. I have patients with chronic herpes infections who are taking transfer factors on a regular basis, and it’s reducing the number of outbreaks. I’ve also had patients with chronic yeast infections, and the transfer factors have reduced their infections as well. Transfer factors are science-based with excellent data from a variety of researchers."
Dr. Townsend has had more than 32 years of distinguished experience in the medical field. He pioneered a surgical technique for the treatment of pre-malignant disease of the uterine cervix. In addition, he has authored more than 90 scientific papers in peer review journals as well as over 15 chapters in research books.
Natural Killer Cell Study
The following study was conducted at the Institute of Longevity. The purpose of the study was to examine the synergistic effects of the components of Transfer Factor Plus™. Each component was tested separately and then tested as a whole unit. Together the proprietary blend increased NK Cell functions more than the sum total of all of the ingredients tested separately. This study indicates that the intelligence contained in Transfer Factor™ has an enhancing effect on other nutrients.
In vitro study:
Ingredient 10 GM /ml NK Function PBMC (Control) 25.6% Zinc 26.8% NS Proprietary Blend 59.9% <0.02 (Mushrooms etc) Zinc +Prop. Blend 95.4 <0.01 Transfer Factor™ alone 128.5% <0.01 Complete Prod. (Transfer Factor Plus™) 273.6% <0.01 The sum of the individual product is less than the Complete Product (Transfer Factor Plus™). There is synergy in having a combination of Transfer Factor Plus™.
Going the Distance: How 4Life improved its Natural Killer (NK) cell activity response
With two products-4Life Transfer Factor Classic and 4Life Transfer Factor Plus-that already set new and higher standards in immune system support-providing boosts in Natural Killer (NK) cell activity of 103 and 248 percent-how did 4Life think of trying to improve them?
It started with a dedication to the long-term pursuit of transfer factor research, which led to the discovery of eggs as another viable source for transfer factors. A commitment to remain the leader in transfer factor technology and to provide the highest quality, most effective products for good health further drove 4Life to be even better. And finally, it came from the belief that one of the best ways to improve 4Life Transfer Factor was to broaden the spectrum of support by combining safe and effective sources of transfer factors.
4Life researchers and scientists developed the Transfer Factor E-XF™ proprietary blend in an effort to further maximize immune system support using transfer factor molecules. Transfer factors were taken from both the cow and chicken sources and combined in hopes of sparking a synergistic-effect which was definitely achieved.
4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula and 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula both feature the scientifically proven Transfer Factor E-XF proprietary blend. Developed exclusively by 4Life using patented and patent-pending technology, the E-XF blend calls upon the knowledge of two sources, providing an enhanced combined effect of transfer factors from both cow colostrum and chicken eggs. Research shows that the immune building effects of this transfer factor blend are more effective than that of colostrum or egg sources alone.
In an effort to determine how powerful the 4Life Transfer Factor Advanced formulas are, researchers Calvin McCausland, Ph.D and Emma Oganova, Ph.D, M.D. designed a study to test NK cell activity. Dr. Anatoli Vorobiev at the Russian Academy of Medical Science directed his team in the independent testing. Using blinded cytotoxicity testing, cancerous cells were combined with NK cells from humans and divided into groups of NK cells activated with transfer factors and groups of unactivated NK cells.
These outstanding test results are certain to be reflected in human health through an increase in immune effectiveness, leading to improved overall health. People around the world can be confident in the ability of 4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula and 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula to more effectively modulate immune system function, making it more response "able" and to provide broad-spectrum support that is unmatched in any other health supplement today.
4Life® Transfer Factor™ Now Approved By the Health Ministry of Russia for use in Hospitals and Clinics
SANDY, UT (October 1, 2004) - In an unprecedented announcement in the history of network marketing, 4Life announced today that 4Life Transfer Factor products as immune modulators have been approved for use in hospitals and clinics in the Russian Federation. The results of ten separate clinical trials and two experimental studies on 4Life Transfer Factor products were combined in a Methodological Document that was approved by the Ministry of Health, which now allows doctors to recommend 4Life Transfer Factor Classic and 4Life Transfer Factor Plus® products to their patients.
First Dietary Supplement Approved for Use by Doctors and Hospitals in Russia
Commenting on this remarkable achievement, David Lisonbee, CEO of 4Life stated, "To my knowledge, this is the first time in the history of this industry that a network marketing company or any other dietary supplement company has had one of its dietary supplements approved for use in hospitals in Russia.
The Russian Ministry of Health is the equivalent of the Food and Drug Administration in the United States. Doctors and scientists from Russia have been working jointly with scientists from 4Life for several years to arrive at this accomplishment. This approval establishes a new roll of dietary supplements in the Russian health care system.
Remarkable Response from Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
In another sector of research of 4Life Transfer Factor, Dr. Kisielevsky of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences stated, "The 4Life sample [Transfer Factor Advanced Formula] activated NK (natural killer) cell activity more than the Interleukin-2 (IL2) drug we used as the standard." This discovery has attracted the attention of The International Scientific and Technical Center (ISTC) of Russia.
Scientists from Several Countries Join Forces for Additional Clinical Studies of Transfer Factor
The ISTC of Russia is a member of a joint international project with other health agencies of Japan, Europe and the US. The objective of the international project is to combine efforts in finding improved immunotherapies. Following the discoveries from the NK cell testing, the scientists of 4Life have been invited to join the project. 4Life Transfer Factor as an immune modulator will be further researched in this international forum. The cost of the studies will be paid by the ISTC.
Here is the study:
Samples containing several different blends of transfer factors sourced from cow colostrum and egg yolks were incubated with the NK cells for various time periods, in order to identify the most potent blend ratio and the optimal activation time of NK cells to provide maximum health benefits. Comparison of times demonstrated that the activation time of 48 hours promoted the greatest NK cell response.
Results of this study conclusively demonstrated the ability of 4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula to boost NK cell activity by 283 percent and of 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula to propel NK cell activity to a remarkable 437 percent above normal immune response (a response established as a baseline from this study). They also showed that 4Life Transfer Factor Classic increased NK cell activity by 204 percent when tested at a 48-hour activation time. Further, results from this scientific experiment showed that NK cells activated with 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula killed 97 percent of cancerous cells, which exceeded the Interleukin-2 (IL2) activation kill rate of 88% during the same time period.
The Russian scientists who conducted this study found the results to be exceptional and requested further information so their results could be published in professional journals. One scientist stated: "The 4Life sample [4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula] activated NK cell activity more than the Interleukin-2 (IL2) drug used as the standard. Here, we now refer to your sample as the Golden Interleukin," said Dr. Kisielevsk.
Chart of Health Ministry of Russia
Suggested dosages* for immune rehabilitation after infectious-inflammatory and somatic diseases
*From independent test results obtained from a blind study conducted by Dr. Anatoli Vorobiev at the Russian Academy of Medical Science.
Disease Treatment Procedures Dose Duration of Treatment
HIV Infection Transfer Factor Plus 1 capsule 3 times daily 14 days repeated courses with immunogram monitoring
Acute Viral Hepatitis B (sluggish or protracted course) Transfer Factor Classic 1 capsule 3 times daily 14 days repeated courses with immunogram monitoring
Chronic viral Hepatis B and C Transfer Factor Classic or Transfer Factor Plus 1 capsule 3 times daily For 14 days each month for the first three months. Repeated courses for 14 days. 1 capsule 3 times daily, monitored by biochemical analysis. Liver ultrasound investigation once every 2-3 months.
Hematogenetic Osteomyelitis - 1st type Transfer Factor Classic & basic antibacterial therapy 2 capsules 3 times daily 14 days before surgery and 2 months after surgery
In case of immunodeficiency persistence after a 2 month treatment Transfer Factor Classic 1 capsule 3 time daily Two Months
Chronic Osteomyletis aggravation treatment Transfer Factor Classic 2 capsules 3 times daily 1 week before surgery and 1 month after surgery
Opisthorchiasis Transfer Factor Classic or TF+ After antihelminthic treatment and bactericide 1-2 capsules 3 times daily 7 days repeated courses in case of persistence of immunopathological processes manifestations (arthralgia, vasculitis)
Acute Urogenital Chlamydiosis Transfer Factor Plus and antibiotic 1 capsules 3 times daily 10 days
Chronic Urogenital Chlamydiosis (complaints and clinical manifestations lasting for more than 2 months Transfer Factor Classic or TF+ and antibiotic 2 capsules 3 times daily 1 capsule 3 times daily 10 days
10 days and for 2 months after the end of the basic treatment (antibacterial therapy aimed at prevention of complications)
The involvement of internal reproductive organs (as complications of chronic urogenital chlamydiosis Transfer Factor Plus and complex treatment along with various groups of drugs, as well as physio-and restoration treatments 2 capsules 3 times daily 1 capsule 3 times daily 10 days during a process aggravation 10 days as a preventive measure the frequency of TF use depends on the extension and severity of the process, as well as the presence of a secondary immunodeficiency and as a preventive measure and varies from 2 to 4 times per year
Psoriasis, Atopic Dermatitis Transfer Factor Classic 1 capsule 3 times daily 14-21 days; repeated courses and during unfavorable seasons of the year
Gastric Cancer after Surgery Transfer Factor Plus 1 capsule 2 times daily 30 days minimal frequency of repeated courses: 2 months
Duodenal Ulcer during eradication Transfer Factor Plus 2 capsules 3 times daily 7-10 days
Duodenal Ulcer after eradication TF+ 1 capsule 3 times daily Until the end of a month 20-30 days
Duodenal Ulcer anti-relapse treatment TF+ 1 capsule 2 times daily For 1 month early in spring and late autumn
Disclaimer: 4Life Research has not evaluated these statements nor do they make any claims regarding these products. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. This information is for education and research purposes only.
Usuario Veterano
Mensajes: 3939
Registrado: Lun Nov 14, 2005 9:41 pm


Mensaje por Nicolas »

Faaaaaaalso, todo ese comercial... :)
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Mensajes: 2368
Registrado: Lun Oct 13, 2003 3:35 pm
Ubicación: Tudela


Mensaje por macu »

Me he perdido... :oops:
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Mensajes: 52
Registrado: Sab Jun 26, 2010 11:31 am
Ubicación: Asturias


Mensaje por Asier »

Otro fraude pseudomedico más. Lo único que fortalece el sistema inmunológico son tres cosas:
1) Una alimentación variada y sana, basada en frutas, verduras y hortalizas, cereales (mejor integrales), legumbres, proteínas animales y una buena hidratación.
2) Ejercicio físico acorde con las condiciones en las que nos encontremos. A ser posible tres veces por semana. En general, se trata de no llevar una vida sedentaria
3) Una gestión correcta del estrés. las emociones juegan un papel muy importante en la inmunidad. El estrés daña el intestino y otros órganos.
4) Si acaso, un suplemento de vitaminas y minerales puede ser una buena ayuda.

Esto fue lo que me dijo mi medico hace tiempo. No existen productos milagrosos. La salud ha de abordarse holísticamente. Hoy son los factores de transferencia, mañana el calostro, pasado la vitamina B6... ¡Qué cosas!
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Usuario Veterano
Mensajes: 12286
Registrado: Vie Feb 16, 2007 4:50 pm


Mensaje por Sate »

Asier escribió:Otro fraude pseudomedico más. Lo único que fortalece el sistema inmunológico son tres cosas:
1) Una alimentación variada y sana, basada en frutas, verduras y hortalizas, cereales (mejor integrales), legumbres, proteínas animales y una buena hidratación.

Asier ... completamente de acuerdo contigo en todo menos en esto.. (cereales) .. ya que las personas que estamos diagnosticadas de sii podríamos tener intolerancia al gluten (la enfermedad celiaca es una de las enfermedades con las que hay que hacer diagnóstico diferencial en el sii) .. y si lo tenemos, los cereales (no aptos) no fortalecen nuestro sistema inmune sino todo lo contrario....

Lógicamente para quien esté sano sí valen todas las recomendaciones dadas ..
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